The success on and off the racetrack has made CP-Carrillo more than a pistons and rod manufacturer - it has come to stand for a way of doing things: with spirit, flair, courage, instinctive intelligence and teamwork. There are many unmistakable characteristics that define CP-Carrillo – quality, reliability, performance, and innovative design. Yet it is the combination of these characteristics that makes our brand so unique.
The dedication and determination that CP-Carrillo brings to building pistons and connecting rods is more than any other trait, power is the defining characteristic at the heart of our brand. In the way they do business, its total self-confidence – delivered with a sense of understatement. The CP-Carrillo way is to make things appear as effortless as possible.
Building a CP-Carrillo piston and rod using the finest quality materials takes time. Yet, while others may do things ‘meticulously’ or ‘painstakingly’, CP-Carrillo has always been about passion. In fact, our entire reputation rests on the experienced skills and passion.